What is a ‘Team Owner’?

A team owner is a user who has extra privileges within a team.

A Team Owner can manage patients within a team in exactly the same way as a team member. In addition, they can do various other tasks.

There are four ways to become a team owner:

  • An existing team owner can invite a new user to become a team owner
  • An existing Team Owner can promote an existing Team Member
  • An administrator can promote an existing Team Member
  • An administrator creates a new team, in which case they default to being the Team Owner

Every team must have at least one Team Owner

Team Owners are not able to demote themselves from Team Owner to Team Member. This is to prevent inadvertently demoting the last Team Owner in a team, leaving the team with none.

To remove yourself as a team owner, you must ask another Team Owner to do so. If there are no other Team Owners, you will need to promote another Team Member and then ask them to do so.
