How do I view a log of all my or my team’s activities?

The Activity tab on the user profile shows how a user has been interacting with the system

Each user has an “Activity” tab on their User Profile page.

The activity tab is a log page, similar to that shown in the log tabs for teams, patients and organisations. It shows a list of events that the user has undertaken:

  1. The date and time that the event took place
  2. The user who initiated the event (for this log, it will always be the user in question)
  3. Details of the event

The page shows the last 50 events by default. To show more, navigate to the bottom of the screen and hit “Show More”.

If you wish to find out how the user has interacted with a particular patient, or within a particular team, it may be easier to see in the relevant Log tab of the patient or team.
